Kwipped Gets Wall ‘Quipped: “It’s like Picasso on Wheels”

por | Feb 3, 2021 | Startups

When your company is moving into a new office space, you have lots of opportunity to think through what might make your employees most comfortable. You think through layout: who needs an office versus who’s job is easily done in an open, shared space concept. You ponder the chairs you buy and desks you need, where the electrical outlets should go and what egress should look like.

For serial entrepreneur Robert Preville, thinking through his company’s new space meant inspiring people. From employees to visitors, Robert wanted to offer a space that reflected the company’s core values.

“We’re a business-to-business equipment marketplace, where you can rent equipment, finance it, or purchase it,” said Preville. “I like to think of us as the Airbnb for equipment rentals, and the Lending Tree for finance. I want to have a workspace that inspires people toward those images.”

According to Preville, Kwipped has strong ethos surround the concept of “Happy Work.” They promote a fun work/life balance and want to encourage people to ‘live happy.’ 

“Monday is the new Friday at Kwipped,” he said. “It’s a culture we want to instill as a foundation. Come to work and enjoy it, every day.”

He wanted a mural that would express this Happy Work concept… And then he priced it. $10,000 and up to a month’s time for the artist to produce. That just wasn’t an option.

Then he remembered The Wall Printer. He’d seen it on LinkedIn and wondered – might he be able to tap his creative employee to design a piece, and have it wall printed?

In stepped The Wall Printer and their local distributor, Writings on the Wall. 

In just three hours, from arrival to departure, the Kwipped wall was transformed. The team got a kick out of watching it come to life, right before their eyes. 

Preville says his team is inspired by it, that it’s one of many inspirational things that take place in the laid-back environment he’s creating. The wall print is part of what they’re building to encourage an intentional water cooler/Kegerator talk that’s fun and team building.

“It is so cool,” said Preville. “You know, you think about a mural one way. But this technology allows us to get, quickly and efficiently, what would have been a high-end artistic illustration. I look at The Wall Printer and think, it’s like Picasso on wheels.”

Watch the video and you, too, may get inspired. {link to video ‘start’}

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