Business Opportunity FAQs

por | Ene 16, 2023 | Blog

The Wall Printer (TWP) Business Opportunity FAQs:

How can you determine if The Wall Printer opportunity is an appropriate fit for you and your investment and business goals?
Wall Printing – An Affordable, Highly Profitable, Service Business Opportunity for Startups and for Adding Revenue to Existing Businesses.

What is Wall Printing?
Wall Printing is a unique business opportunity. We are the World’s Best Vertical Wall Printer, limited only by your imagination. Print on any image, any wall, with no limitation in size.

Can I get an Exclusive Wall Printing Territory?
If you’re interested in becoming the first 3D vertical Wall Printer in a specific territory in North America, Latin America, and the Caribbean you can also email us at:

Who Are The Wall Printers?
Painters, Graphic Designers, Interior Decorators, General Contractors, Service Businesses, Startups and more. Entrepreneurs can take advantage of projected Market Growth through 2025 expected to continue to trend up @ 4.2% Annual Growth.

Who Needs Wall Printing?
Homes & Apartments (children’s bedrooms, garage, wall art …), Businesses and Offices conference rooms, doors, walls, lobbies, Special Events, Museums, Convention Centers, Hotels, Airports, Restaurants, Buildings and/or any community Art Exhibit space, partnering opportunities with any of the Wall Printers.

Where are The Wall Printers Today?
We are located internationally and domestically. More than 115 Locations of Wall Printer Sales in the First 2 tears (territories in each state, province and country are still available).


You still have questions, right? Contact Us!

We’re here for you. That’s the difference. Day in, day out, The Wall Printer Team is here to Support Your Success.

What Does It Cost to be The Wall Printer? Is Equipment Leasing available?
What Do I Get with The Wall Printer? Training? Support? Ink? Parts? Warranty?
Why The Wall Printer from WALL PRINTING USA?

We service the entirety of the US, Canada, and South America! From our US headquarters in Wilmington, NC, we provide sales, service, technical and marketing support and act as the domestic supply chain to help our Wall Printers succeed.

Attached are Specification Sheets for our most popular wall/floor printing models, example videos, and information on our Exclusive Territory Ownership Model. This is NOT a franchise. No restrictions on how you grow your business in your territory. No revenue sharing.

Minimum investment for the printer package and exclusive territory (if available) is only $35,000.

All Wall Printers come with:

One year warranty against any manufacturer defects .

Exclusive territory protection (fees apply based on availability and population) Ink supply enough for up to 2,000 square feet of printing – that’s only about $0.40 cents per square foot. You’ll charge customers over $20/square foot for printing PLUS any other graphics of preparation services.

The Wall Printer’s Customer Care Kit Unique and only from The Wall Printer your Wall Printer comes with backup parts, accessories, image library, marketing & instructional materials everything you need to get your Wall Printer making money and serving customers, all right out of the box. Workshops are available for free at our Wilmington, NC showroom and warehouse or online after your Wall Printer is delivered to you.

Free unlimited technical support, start up videos, and documentation to support your success Local marketing support to drive customers to your local Wall Printing business Extended warranty agreement available after year one. All parts, supplies, and inks available for immediate shipment from our US warehouse.

How Long does it take to get started with my machine(s)?
Delivery is approx. 6 to 8 weeks. A 50% deposit takes your territory (if available) off the market and begins your new Wall Printing business investment and journey.

You can provide a company logo and name brand, along with phone, email, and website. We can add that to the printer’s cabinet at no cost to you. See an example of the cabinet branding on our TWP printer on the attached Order Form and Price Sheet. We look forward to hearing from you if you have any questions or are ready to move forward.

Now What?
Each of the vertical printer companies that have started and grown from our original 2020
launch considered the impact that the proven global marketplace would have on their ability to
sell wall prints and mural prints domestically.

Whatever reasons you have for recognizing our global footprint and wall art services and solutions, we’re thrilled to be able to represent business owners from Ireland to Puerto Rico, from Texas to Massachusetts, from Canada to Columbia, and from the Carolinas to Montana.

Let your success be part of our vision: making the world more beautiful, One Wall at a Time. Below is a breakdown of some of the feedback we’ve had about how global use impacted customer decisions:

Proof of concept:
Because digital wall printers and vertical printing is such a new idea, knowing that the concept and business has already taken hold in other parts of the world made a big difference for our initial customers.

The fact that people not only used vertical printing but also embraced it for its efficiency and effectiveness made it easier to get on board with creating a business using our proven marketing strategy for all our customers.

Proof of market:
Mural painting machine businesses throughout the world have spent the last couple of years learning what works and what doesn’t in terms of positioning and market penetration. They’ve given us insights into how to sell effectively, along with the data to prove how well the products work.

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The Wall Printer: A Unique Business Opportunity

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